Friday, January 17, 2014

Dr 2 by Peter Tieryas and James Chiang

Genre:  Graphic Novel Detective
Dr 2, Issue 1

Description (taken from Goodreads):
Shanghai, WWII Internment Camps, and a bizarre New York City murder case intersect in the first issue of DR. 2, a kinetically visceral thriller set in a frightening, yet eerily plausible, future. A physician with a mysterious background, Dr. 2 is the most sought after expert on "unsolvable" crimes. But nothing can prepare him for the maelstrom of chaos that awaits as he's forced to delve into a world of passion, destruction, and tragedy, all connected to a woman from his own past.

This issue serves as an introduction to DR. 2: A FEAST OF SCENTS, the full graphic novel, that will be releasing at a future date.

I must say that the last graphic novel I read was about four years ago.  So by no means am I an expert at graphic novels.  But I will review what I read and see (because I'm an expert at my own thoughts).

This book starts with a scene from World War II.  It sets up a world of destruction and remorse.  The drawings are so gruesome, you kind of feel sad even though you don't know what's going on.  And then we jump to a spot in the near future.  We follow a mysterious doctor as he works a crime scene.  And this is a bizarre crime scene, the images just kind of jump at you.  It kind of makes you think: what future have I gotten myself into?

This book is super short, and it's more of a taste to this new world.  The images were really dark and mixed with a little bit of real-world flavor to make you see this world as a potential for ours to follow.  But as far as the story's concerned?  It definitely doesn't leave you satisfied.  You're kind of left wondering what goes on this world.  What supernatural (or science-y) things have warped this future?  I need to know more.

And in case my description hasn't intrigued you enough:
Now imagine the drawing is a million times better and not stick-figure-ish.  That's Dr. 2 (or at least I'm guessing that's who this man is).  And in case my picture just doesn't portray it enough, I was going for dark, mysterious, and somebody with a past (maybe).

Two things you should pull from this review.  1- I will never be hired as a professional stick-figure-drawer.  And 2- This short story/graphic novel is the beginning to something that has the potential to be a good detective thriller series.  Go check it out (or be on the lookout for the full graphic novel).

Thanks goes to Peter Tieryas for providing me a review copy.

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