Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

Genre:  YA Historical Fantasy
The Witch Hunter Series, Book 1

Description (taken from Virginia Boecker's website):
The magic and suspense of Graceling meet the political intrigue and unrest of Game of Thrones in this riveting fantasy debut.

Your greatest enemy isn’t what you fight, but what you fear.

Elizabeth Grey is one of the king’s best witch hunters, devoted to rooting out witchcraft and doling out justice. But when she’s accused of being a witch herself, Elizabeth is arrested and sentenced to burn at the stake.

Salvation comes from a man she thought was her enemy. Nicholas Perevil, the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the kingdom, offers her a deal: he will save her from execution if she can break the deadly curse that’s been laid upon him.

But Nicholas and his followers know nothing of Elizabeth’s witch hunting past–if they find out, the stake will be the least of her worries. And as she’s thrust into the magical world of witches, ghosts, pirates, and one all-too-handsome healer, Elizabeth is forced to redefine her ideas of right and wrong, of friends and enemies, and of love and hate.

Elizabeth has survived life as an orphan by following Caleb, her best friend and knight-in-shining-armor.  He was the one who brought her to the king's palace to seek work, shelter, and food.  He was the one who introduced her to Blackwell and witch hunters.  And now she's one of the best witch hunters around.  But Elizabeth's life isn't as simple as right or wrong, witch or human.  She finds there's a lot of things that motivate people when she's accused of being a witch.

Nicholas seeks Elizabeth and saves her from the dungeons.  When she realizes he's not Caleb, she knows there's some other sinister plot going on.  And of course there is.  Nicholas needs Elizabeth's help to release the curse that's killing him.  But as she learns more, will she remain the witch hunter she is or will she join the other side?  Is it really that simple?

I was kind of surprised to see the web of plotlines in this story.  They tie together very nicely.  But I never really became super interested in Elizabeth's character.  Let's face it, yes some plots are obvious in this book.  But it's the emotion and motivation behind the character that makes it seem real.  I either missed all of the subtlety or Elizabeth just did a full 180 within the pages of this book.  Not exactly like getting whiplash, but more of "you girly girl, you."  Changing sides all in the name of girly-girl love.  And no, that's not a bad thing.  I just want more than that I guess.

I think there are going to be a lot of people who enjoy this book and will continue the series.  Unless I get out of my reading rut, I probably won't continue this one.  Not enough to pull me from the real-world but nevertheless, still entertaining.

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