Sunday, March 8, 2015

The End of Violet and Abby by Scott Silver

Genre:  YA Paranormal Contemporary

Description (taken from Goodreads):
Violet and Abby pledged to stay best friends forever, a vow put to the ultimate test when Violet dies in a tragic accident—and comes back. Now boys are turning up dead, attacked by a creature both alien, and terrifyingly familiar and Abby is beginning to suspect that her best friend may have returned...different. Funny and heartbreaking, ‘The End of Violet and Abby' combines the sharp observations of Mean Girls with the sarcastic wit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to tell the story of two young women struggling to save their friendship—and each other—from an ancient evil that threatens everything they love.

Life is hardest when you're in high school without a friend.  Fortunately for best friends, Abby and Violet, they have each other's backs.  But even when you're on the rise of the high school social ladder, one misstep can throw you right down to the bottom.  And when Abby begins to drift away from Violet, she finds out what a best friend is worth to her.

Abby is your typical go-getter, nerdy girl who happens to be best friends with the hot girl who could care less about her future.  They have the high school life made: Abby drives them to school, Violet keeps Abby up on the social scale, and Abby attempts to help Violet pass her classes.  But when Violet drags Abby to a late night party, Abby begins to question what she'll do for the future she wants.  And when something paranormal happens, both girls realize they don't want to live without the other, but a perfect life is not in their cards if they can't let each other go.

This book is Mean Girls with a paranormal filter.  You've got the perfect high school background with the cute boys, the mean cliques, and the best friends forever main characters.  But what is this book really about?  Honestly, it's about finding you're own voice and accepting that it might be different than your best friend's voice.  But this book does a good job of staying humorous and holding your interest.  And that ending?  I loved it.  Even though I had nothing paranormal in my life occur, I felt like I could relate 100% to Abby.  And maybe that's why I thought this was a good read.

This is almost a contemporary high school piece with some paranormal flavorings to hold your interest.  It pulls a real issue that a lot of girls experience into a fun environment.  Mature YA fans should pick it up.

Thanks goes to Scott Silver for providing me a review copy.

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