Thursday, December 4, 2014

Daylighters by Rachel Caine

Genre:  YA Paranormal Romance
The Morganville Vampires Series, Book 5

Note:  This is the last book in a long series.  If you like anything vampire and young adult, I highly recommend this series.  But reading anything below can slightly spoil earlier plots.

Description (taken from Goodreads):
While Morganville, Texas, is often a troubled town, Claire Danvers and her friends are looking forward to coming home. But the Morganville they return to isn’t the one they know; it’s become a different place—a deadly one…

Something drastic has happened in Morganville while Claire and her friends were away. The town looks cleaner and happier than they’ve ever seen it before, but when their incoming group is arrested and separated—vampires from humans—they realize that the changes definitely aren’t for the better.

It seems that an organization called the Daylight Foundation has offered the population of Morganville something they’ve never had: hope of a vampire-free future. And while it sounds like salvation—even for the vampires themselves—the truth is far more sinister and deadly.

Now, Claire, Shane and Eve need to find a way to break their friends out of Daylighter custody, before the vampires of Morganville meet their untimely end.

Welcome to Morganville, a town with vampires.  But the vampires have been corralled, and the humans are calling the shots.  However just because they're not at the top of the food chain doesn't mean they can't be just as evil as the blood-suckers.

Claire, Shane, Michael, and Eve are coming home.  They're finally ready for familiar territory.  But their homecoming is nothing like they expected.  All of the vampires have been forced into a building while a new organization, the Daylight Foundtion, calls the shots.  But with Claire's warped view of right and wrong, is the town really doing the right thing by trying to eradicate the vampires?  A question that can only be hard to answer if you're a Morganville resident.

The ending to this series has come and gone.  Honestly, it's been a long time coming.  Yes, I loved the books.  I love Claire's character.  But honestly?  I think Shane's an idiot.  And I don't see how Claire could ever have fallen for him other than a silly high school girl crush.  Of course, I still have a silly crush on Myrnin.  So I guess that makes us even.  But back to the book.  It was a good happliy-ever after ending that you'd expect in Morganville.  I'm happy and sad to see it end.

This is a series I would give to my sister to read.  I loved reading this books throughout college.  And I'm glad I stuck with the series to the end.

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